Tag Archives: crying baby contest

It’s a WHAT contest?


I picked up this flyer in Enoshima at the shrine at the Enoshima castle.

Being at a religious venue such as a temple, I assumed it was some sort of consecration or baptismal-like event where babies were somehow initiated into their religion, Japanese-style. But why is Buddha’s name would they choose such a terrible photo for the flyer!! Who wants to put their children through this torture when its obvious from the picture that they are completely miserable?

Oh no. Be not mistaken. This is, in fact I was told, a sort of contest.  Apparently it is well known within Japanese culture that a baby that cries a lot is more healthy than a baby that doesn’t.  So this event is actually a celebration and contest to see which baby cries more! And whichever baby cries loudest or most will win!! Color me surprised! I now have a morbid curiosity to go to one of these events.  But I am bringing my earplugs.

Need a closer look?  Take a nice gander at the pure unhappiness on these babies’ faces and by comparison the glee on the moderator’s face.  Don’t worry, cringing and laughing at the same time is completely allowed.