Tag Archives: dream

Why giving up on your dreams has its benefits


Of the many little girls that want to be princesses or fairytale figures, beautiful and rescued, only few of us ever find ourselves living out that fantasy… five times a day, five days a week.  And the strange truth about living a fantasy is that it is then no longer fantasy… it can be pinched and screams ouch.  And all the fantasy perks of never really knowing and always being able to dream evaporate.  As a princess, I am always stepping on my dress, smearing my lipstick, having to wait for my prince to show up and kiss me, not allowed to run barefoot, and never allowed to not have a look of pleasant happiness.

So do we stop dreaming to keep those fantasies perfect?  Or do we become princesses anyway and then make new dreams, dreams of riding wild horses, and getting our dress muddy, of repainting the palace purple and breaking all the tea cups to make a mosaic?

And that is me by the way.  I guess my prince did finally arrive 🙂