Tag Archives: deer

Maps are not food


Though I have entire album worth of photos from my exciting, action-packed trip to Hiroshima and Miyajima, in lieu of telling you every story and sharing every photo, I would like to share the most laughable moment of the trip.

I grew up with families of deer grazing in our backyard.  We would stare at them from the windows, but you could never move too fast or they would bound away.  Here on Miyajima, they have learned a different lifestyle.  The second we stepped off the ferry, we noticed the oddest thing… there are deer EVERYWHERE. Crossing the street, sleeping in the shade by the side of the road, walking down the sidewalk.  We stopped to stare and Shinobu pulled out his map to figure out where we should adventure to first.  Not a moment later we were joined by this young fellow with a full rack on his head, leaning his nibbling lips towards Shinobu’s map, as if he held candy. I couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard as my friend walked in a small circle holding his map away trying to discourage the deer from eating it, all the while the deer circling after him.  Not aggressive, not dangerous, just slowly plodding after Shinobu, determined to get a tasty bite of the paper in his hand.